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Workshop con Katinka Soetens: I Mudra e le posture sacre delle Sacerdotesse della Dea.


Mudra in sanscrito significa “gesto di gioia”, le antiche Sacerdotesse della Dea di tutte le culture del mondo utilizzavano posture sacre per connettersi alle energie della Dea, per onorare la sua manifestazione, per esprimere le proprie preghiere, oltre che con movimenti e danze.

Questi gesti semplici, ma potenti, possono aiutare nella concentrazione meditativa, il loro scopo varia a seconda delle tradizioni, dalla focalizzazione dell’energia sottile alla trasmissione dell’insegnamento attraverso i simboli. Nelle tradizioni della Dea e nelle culture dell’Antica Europa, le posture sacre del corpo hanno un significato simbolico e spirituale, accompagnano nelle cerimonie ed anche nelle pratiche oracolari e di embodyment.

In questo seminario breve, scopriremo una serie di posture sacre e le sperimenteremo, per iniziare a sentire la profonda connessione con gli elementi e con gli antichi misteri della Dea nella nostra terra e nel nostro corpo.

Questo workshop serale includerà una dispensa di 16 pagine (in inglese) contenente ricerche e informazioni sui mudra, nonché suggerimenti su come poterli praticare individualmente.

Per iscrizioni scrivete a:

Contributo per il seminario: 50,00€ + 10,00€ per la tessera associativa annuale per chi non ne sia ancora in possesso.
I contributi si possono versare tramite bonifico bancario intestato a:
IBAN: IT91 A030 6909 6061 0000 0136 346
Causale: Donazione Progetto Katinka Soetens

Mudra of the Priestess Workshop Connect and explore the 5 sacred elements to discover your own personal ‘Mudra of the Priestess’. Find the ancient empowerment of these sacred body postures experience what it feels like to step into the Priestess of the Elements. Mudra’ (Sanskrit) means ‘gesture of delight’.

These simple yet powerful gestures can enhance altered states of consciousness, magical abilities, and awareness of the ‘bigger picture. Their purpose varies according to tradition; from focusing subtle energy, transmitting teaching through symbols, to acting as a tool for healing illness In Goddess traditions and ancient cultures the world over, a mudra is a sacred body posture that has spiritual symbolic significance. But these sacred body postures are not just symbolic.

Mudras have the power to alter your body’s physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions by creating very subtle ripples in your being that open you to the spiritual presence of your own essence. They facilitates a way of body remembering and activates the Priestess archetype to become the channel for the embodied Goddess.

Have you stood on ancient Goddess Temple ground, or in sacred power-places in nature, and felt the pulse of memory click in, so that you wanted to dance, pray, move your body in devotion, bow to kiss the earth and raise your arms in exquisite adoration? Can you feel the soul-memory of the ancient priestess poses singing in your cells and body?

Come join us for an evening workshop on the 16th May, which will offer you a real and delicious way to start feeling into your own deep connection to the elements, and to the ancient mysteries of the Goddess in your land and body, and to the power of the Mudra. It is time to let our bodies and minds, our sex, our hearts and souls remember. It is time to re-find and reclaim, your own unique Mudra of the Priestess!

This evening workshop will include a free 16 page printable booklet (in English) filled with mudra research and information as well as suggestions on how to enhance your Mudra of the Priestess practice at home.